The Plainwell Robotics Club sent six of its teams to the Jenison Blended VEX Robotics Tournament on Saturday, January 11. The event was "blended" in that 43 middle and high school teams from across Michigan participated and worked with, and against, each other. It was a special opportunity for younger students to experience first hand how their older colleagues were designing and building their robots.
It was a fun day for our teams. While we didn't bring home any awards, we won half our matches throughout the day, and had four teams qualify for the final elimination rounds.
High School team Brotherhood of Steel (Hunter Crouch and Kevin Vicenzi) finished 14th after the qualifying matches and captained the 9th place alliance in the finals. HS team En Passant (Aiden Glass, Bryce McCall, Joseph Sanderson, and Caleb Williams) finished 15th after the qualifiers and captained the 10th place alliance in the finals. The two teams are coached by Charles Crouch and Jeremy Sanderson, respectively.
Middle School team Rubber Ducky Squad (Lennox Clippinger, Gabriel Garner, Landon Lowe, and Ethan Sikes) placed 18th after the qualifying matches and captained the 12th place alliance in the final rounds; and, MS team Steak finished in 33rd place after the qualifying matches. Both teams are coached by Summer Rosati and Matt Glass.
MS team Trial and Error (Jakob Cherian, Isaac Harris, and Easton Morrow) finished the qualifying matches in 28th place and captained the 15th place alliance. They are coached by Amanda Cherian.
MS team Roll For Initiative (Elliott Johnson, Mason Potts, Nora Quemada, and Mason Ritchie) finished in 39th place. They are coached by Joe Potts.