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Codes of Conduct

Team Member Codes of Conduct


As a Plainwell Robotics Club Team Member, I will:


  • Remember robotics is an opportunity to learn and have fun. 

  • Not arrive more than 10 minutes prior to the start of practice.

  • Do my best each day, remembering that all players have talents and weaknesses, including me. 

  • Treat my coaches, other players and coaches, judges, officials, other administrators, and fans with respect.  This respect includes communication through social media. 

  • Have a positive attitude and encourage others. 

  • Use good sportsmanship and set an example for others. 

  • Not take anything from another team without their expressed consent

  • Not wear ear buds/headphones during practice and only use my cell phone when it directly relates to robotics.

  • Will always abide by the rules and expectations detailed in the PRC Practice Room Procedures document.

  • Follow these safety guidelines:

  1. Safety glasses are a must when using tools and at all competitions. 

  2. Follow the REC Foundation's safety guidelines. 

  3. Closed-toed shoes required.

  4. Socks required on the competition mat. 

  5. Absolutely NO running or horseplay, in general.

  6. No food or drinks near equipment (robots and computers) except closed water bottles.  Food and other drinks may be consumed in a designated area, if one has been established.

  7. Make sure your coach knows when you are leaving.

  • Talk with an adult if I have a concern about guidelines not being followed.

  • Follow rules set by the REC Foundation and my school (PHS, PMS, Gilkey, Cooper, or Starr).  Any violation of school policy will be dealt with accordingly.

  • Remember that these rules apply not only to competitions and while traveling with my team, but to all events related to Plainwell Robotics Club practices, team parties, etc.


I understand that my participation in the Plainwell Robotics Club is contingent on my agreeing to,

and abiding by, these Codes of Conduct.




Parent/Guardian Codes of Conduct


As a Plainwell Robotics Club Parent/Guardian, I will:


  • Not bring my student to practice more than 10 minutes early.

  • Walk my student to the robotics room for practice (elementary and middle school students).

  • Pick up my student within 10 minutes of the end of practice.

  • Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, judges, officials, and administrators. 

  • Place the emotional and physical well-being of all players ahead of any personal desire to win.

  • Not bring non-team members to practice (practice is for team members ONLY).

  • Support the coaches, officials, and administrators working with my child, to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all. 

  • Remember that the game and building of the robot is for the team members, not for adults. 

  • Treat players, coaches, judges, officials, administrators, and fans with respect.  This includes communications through the use of social media.

  • Teach and expect my student to treat other players, coaches, judges, officials, administrators, and fans with respect. 

  • Be positive and constructive. 

  • Keep things positive with the opposing team’s parents, players, and coaches.

  • Remain in the stands during the matches.  You cannot be in the pit or competition areas with your student.

  • Understand that judges and officials are doing their best and have worked to understand the rules.

  • Acknowledge that all Plainwell Robotics Club events (competitions, practices, and team gatherings) are tobacco, vape, drug, and alcohol free, and I will abide by that. 

  • Remember that I am always teaching my child through my behaviors.  I will keep integrity in mind as I show my best face at competitions and events. 

  • Communicate with coaches, including, but not limited to, behaviors, food allergies, and a change in pick-up person.

  • Remember that these rules apply not only at competitions and while traveling with my team, but at all events related to the Plainwell Robotics Club practices, team parties, etc.


I understand that my participation in the Plainwell Robotics Club is contingent on my agreeing to,

and abiding by, these Codes of Conduct.

Team Coach Codes of Conduct

As a Plainwell Robotics Club Team Coach, I will: 


  • Place the safety and welfare of all team members above winning.

  • Show respect for team members, other coaches, judges, officials, and parents.  This includes communications through the use of social media.

  • Remember that the game, building of the robot, and programming, is for the team members, not for the adults.  (Please see REC Foundation and VEX Robotics Rules for clarifications.)

  • Lead by example, always demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship.  Use of profanity or profane gestures, arguing, inciting disruptive behavior, or any conduct not in the spirit of good sportsmanship, will not be tolerated.

  • Conduct myself in a positive manner, keeping in mind that youth have a greater need for example, instruction, encouragement, and motivation than for criticism.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of the game and teach these rules to my team members. 

  • Make sure appropriate behavior is maintained by team members and other volunteers.

  • Enforce the PRC Student Codes of Conduct.

  • Acknowledge that all Plainwell Robotic events (competitions, practice, and team gatherings) are tobacco, vape, drug, and alcohol free, and I will abide by that. 

  • Follow rules set by the REC Foundation, the PRC, and my school (PHS, PMS, Gilkey, Cooper, or Starr).  Any violation of school policy will be dealt with accordingly.

  • Remember that these rules apply not only at competitions and while traveling with my team, but at all events related to Plainwell Robotics Club practices, team parties, etc.

  • Report behavior that is not in line with these Codes of Conduct to the appropriate PRC Director.  If violations are reported to me, I will report them promptly to the Plainwell Robotics Club Management Team. 

  • Serve without compensation, sign the Plainwell Robotics Club Contribution of Grant Funds Form, and agree to a PCS District Volunteer Background Check.

  • Follow and enforce these safety guidelines:

  1. Make sure if someone other than a parent is picking up that they are approved by the parent.

  2. Make sure your team members are safely picked up before leaving practice.

  3. Two adults must be present for elementary and middle school practices.  One adult must be present for high school practices.  

  4. Practices are for team members ONLY.  Other children are not allowed to be at practice.


I understand that my participation in the Plainwell Robotics Club is contingent on my agreeing to,

and abiding by, these Codes of Conduct.

Guidance for Dealing with Codes of Conduct Violations

July 2024 – Version 1.1


General comments 

Everyone makes mistakes!  It’s part of being human.  It is not intended that any statement in this document be used to punish anyone for their mistake or their forgetfulness.  Nevertheless, people only learn from their mistake if they know they have made one.  On the other hand, people repeatedly making the same mistake may be another matter – and may result in a Code violation depending on the specifics of the situation.  Consequently, and unfortunately, judgement and objectivity will always be parts of this process.


Please err on the side of forgiveness whenever possible.  For example, parents who appear to be helping their student with their robot at a competition, or are complaining about a referee’s decision, should be reminded politely they are committing a Code violation.  In most cases, that will resolve the issue.  If not, the parent can be requested to leave the premises (or may be forced to leave by the local Event Partner).



First offense:  Coach talks with the student about the violation, showing their signed Codes of Conduct document, and reminding them of PRC rules.  Coach also notifies the appropriate Director, in writing, of the offense.


Second offense:  Coach and Director talks with student and parent(s)/guardian(s), showing the student’s signed Codes of Conduct document, indicating that this is the 2nd offense and that if it happens again, the student could be dismissed from the PRC.


Third offense:  Director and Coach will present the issue to the PRC Management Team, which will have the authority to approve dismissing the student immediately and permanently from the PRC.



First offense:  Whomever witnesses a violation of Codes of Conduct will notify the appropriate Director, in writing, of the violation.   The Director will then talk with parent(s)/guardian(s) about the violation, showing their signed Codes of Conduct document, and reminding them of PRC rules.


Second offense:  Director will talk with parent(s)/guardian(s) about the offense, indicating that this is a second offense and that a third offense could result in their student being dismissed from the PRC.


Third offense:  Director will present the issue to the PRC Management Team, which will have the authority to approve dismissing the student immediately and permanently from the PRC



First offense:  Whomever witnesses a violation of the Codes of Conduct will notify the appropriate Director, in writing, of the violation.  The Director will then talk with the Coach about the violation, showing their signed Codes of Conduct document, and reminding them of PRC rules.


Second offense:  The Director may suspend the coach for one week of practice and the upcoming tournament, indicating that another violation could result in their immediate and permanent dismissal from the PRC.


Third offense:  Director will present the issue to the PRC Management Team, which will have the authority to approve dismissing the Coach immediately and permanently from the PRC.

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