Team "Blitz" members [L/R] Owen Ferris, Blaine Withrow, Isaiah Looney-McPhillips, and Walker Clippinger received the Tournament Finalist Award at the 3rd Annual Plainwell Robortics Club High School VEX Robotics Tournament on Sunday, November 12. The Award qualifies them for the Michigan State Championship Tournament in February. The team also received the Think Award for effective and consistent use of coding techniques. The team is coached by Matt Clippinger.

Team "Hexbug Revenge" members [L/R] Lucas Stoll, Parker Montange, Sam Bacon, Cayden Forsythe with their walking robot, possibly the first ever in VEX tournament history! They were presented with the Create Award, which recognizes a creative engineering design for their robot. They are coached by Sarah Orr.

Team "Black Soul Monsters" members [L/R] Aiden Mallory and Rori Rosati with their Judges Award, presented to the team the tournament judges selected for "special recognition". Jim Mallory is their coach.